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This Is What Your Customer Receives
61% Of Regional Businesses Have A Typical Ranking Of 4 Or 5 Stars
Typically 2 out of 3 businesses have great and exceptional ratings. Only 5% of companies have a score below 3 stars.
Source: Brightlocal
30% Of Clients Feel Comfortable With A Company Which Answers Online Reviews
Communicating with your customers creates trust. Even something easy like responding to their reviews and remarks can make them feel appreciated.
As you may anticipate, customers who feel this way are ready to spend more money with a company.
Source: Statuslabs
95% Of Travelers Read Online Reviews Prior To Booking Travel Related Services
Leisure and business tourists alike read reviews to form a viewpoint. Business tourists check out an average of 5 reviews vs. 6-7 for leisure tourists. 59% of all travelers report that they read reviews 'constantly' or 'extremely often'.
Source: Trust You
When Buying Home Electronic Devices, 88% Of Americans Claimed That Product Reviews Were The Most Influential Aspect
Statistics reveal that reviews were more effective than Television advertisements at 37%, social media at 23% and display ads at 49%.
Source: Statista
Online Reviews Affect 67.7% Of Customer Buying Decisions
More than 2 thirds of buyers agree online reviews are either a "Fairly decisive", "Very decisive", or "Absolutely decisive" part of their decision making process.
Source: Moz
64 Percent Of Americans Concur That User-generated Content (client Reviews) Improved Their Shopping Experience In 2017
30% of customers who read customer reviews, concur that it increases their purchasing confidence.
Organizations utilize the reviews to improve their services and products.
"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." -Bill Gates
Source: Statista
67% Of Consumers Claim Reviews Are A "Extremely Crucial" Factor When Choosing A Solution Provider
Reviews have a huge effect on their decision when clients have to pick a service provider.
Source: DemandGenReport
Facebook Reviews Impact More Than 50 Percent Of Customers' Buying Decisions
Facebook is currently the most popular social network which can also influence our buying preferences.
According to social reviews statistics, Facebook impacts over half of users' purchase choices.
Facebook reviews statistics reveal that 4 out of five users are most likely to trust a local business if it has positive reviews.
Source: RevLocal
Positive Reviews Motivate 68% Of Customers To Use A Local Business
Since the huge bulk of consumers check out reviews, you would want yours to be enticing to new consumers, right? Keep them short, sweet and positive.
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa
Source: Brightlocal
91% Of Businesses Think The Company's Star Rating Can Determine Whether They Win Or Lose A Prospective Employee
The 86% of companies question the integrity of online reviews. However, they understand the enormous effect user ratings have on their business. Undesirable customer or staff member reviews can influence 90% of job seekers.
Source: Career Arc
The Average Review Length Has Gotten 65% Shorter Since 2010
Now a days reviews are shorter, simpler, and more straight to the point. The length of a review in 2019 is similar to that of tweet from twitter.
Source: Review Trackers