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This Is What Your Customer Receives
61% Of Local Businesses Have A Typical Rating Of 4 Or 5 Stars
Typically two thirds of companies have excellent and exceptional ratings. Just 5% of companies have a rating listed below three stars.
Source: Brightlocal
70% Of Consumers Prefer To Discover A Business By Means Of Articles And Reviews, Instead Of Advertisements
Ads are all well and good, however it's worth attempting a different approach as well. Reviews are without a doubt the best way to find the truth about a product or service.
Source: Statuslabs
86 Percent Of Consumers Would Think About Writing A Review For A Business
Your consumers are your most important resource, and it's not just because of the cash they spend at your business. If you give them a great experience, they will be willing to share it.
Source: Brightlocal
83 Percent Of Customers Do Not Trust Advertising
The traditional channels to reach consumers aren't as prominent as they used to be. The majority of users who no longer trust ads select to pay attention to clients' suggestions online.
Source: Statuslabs
If A Business Handles Issues Quickly And Efficiently, 95% Of Unsatisfied Consumers Will Return To A Company
Consumers do not expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to resolve things when they go wrong. If there is absolutely nothing else a company can do to solve a concern, a simple coupon can say "We are sorry" in a more appealing way.
Source: SocialMediaToday
Reviews Are The Most Important Part Of The Purchase Decision For Over 90% Of US Customers
24% of US consumers consider reviews as 'very influential'.
To show the value of online reviews and ratings, did you know that 81% of consumers will pay more for an item with reviews and those same consumers are also ready to accept slower shipping times for such items.
Source: Turntonetworks
Most Local Businesses Have An Average Of 39 Google Reviews
People like to share their experience after they've visited a vendor. Online review trends show people choose to comment if they had a favorable experience, instead of a unfavorable or mediocre one.
Source: Brightlocal
89% Of Consumers Browse A Companies Reactions To Reviews
Not only do the majority of individuals check out the review replies, 30% of them value them highly. Nearly 96% read the feedback to their own reviews.
Source: Brightlocal
64 Percent Of Americans Concur That User-generated Content (consumer Reviews) Improved Their Shopping Experience In 2017
30% of customers who read customer reviews, concur that it increases their buying confidence.
Organizations utilize the reviews to enhance their services and products.
"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." -Bill Gates
Source: Statista
63.6% Of Consumers Visit Google To Read Reviews Of A Business
Thinking about the last statistic, it comes as a surprise that Yelp (45%) and TripAdvisor (30%) come 2nd and third, leaving Facebook (23%) behind.
These online review statistics show the general appeal of a site can just presume when it concerns trust.
Source: Review Trackers
73 Percent Of Customers Think Consumer Reviews Are More Crucial Than Star And Number Rankings
Online review data make it clear individuals aren't satisfied with ratings alone.
Written reviews make the statistics appear more authentic which is what the would-be consumers are trying to find. Practically a third of customers state composed reviews are the only feature that makes them think the sites' reviews are useful and pertinent.
Source: Fan and Fuel
88% Of Executives Consider Reputation Risk As A Top Business Problem
Reputation management statistics indicate a business's reputation doesn't affect just the customers. Prospective employees also look at ratings and read reviews.
Source: Deloitte
52% Of Customers Trust A Product More If It Has Negative Reviews Also
We already discussed the positive and negative reviews and their effect on customers. However, all products have their faults, it raises red flags that maybe the reviews are fake if all of a products reviews are favorable. People expect to see some unfavorable reviews.
Source: Capterra
95% Of Travelers Read Online Reviews Prior To Reserving Travel Related Services
Leisure and business travelers alike read reviews to form an opinion. Business tourists check out approximately 5 reviews vs. 6-7 for leisure tourists. 59% of all travelers report that they check out reviews 'constantly' or 'very frequently'.
Source: Trust You