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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
74 Percent Of Regional Companies Have At A Minimum, One Google Review
A single review is far from sufficient to improve your website's SERP ranking.
Taking a look at online ratings stats, we found out that a company requires to have an average of 40 reviews before customers "Award" it with a star.
Source: Brightlocal
More Than 4 Negative Reviews About A Business Or Product May Decrease Sales By 70%
One negative review suffices for 35% of a website's visitors to decide not to purchase. Three negative reviews can cost a business 59% less sales.
Naturally, they can be compensated by the sheer variety of positive reviews you receive.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone
Online Reviews Impact 67.7% Of Customer Purchasing Decisions
More than two-thirds of customers agree online reviews are either a "Fairly decisive", "Very decisive", or "Absolutely decisive" part of their decision making experience.
Source: Moz
Negative Reviews Can Boost Conversion By As Much As 85%
It sounds insane, however negative reviews can be a positive driver for users to spend more time on your website. According to online review statistics, people spend more than five times as long on a website when they read negative reviews.
When there are a mix of positives and negatives, more than two-thirds of users trust reviews more. If there aren't any unfavorable ones, a frustrating 95% suspect censorship or faked reviews.
Source: Reevoo
86 Percent Of Consumers Would Think About Writing A Review For A Business
Your consumers are your most valuable resource, and it's not just because of the cash they invest at your business. They will be prepared to share it if you give them an excellent experience.
Source: Brightlocal
82% Of Customers Go To Review Sites Since They Want To Acquire A Service Or An Item And Wish To Get The Truth About The Businesses Services And Products.
Review websites are locations that people go to get the truth about a product, business or service . Since they have already formed a purchase decision, users come. The bulk of them (89%) purchase within a week of their visit. And 29 percent do so in 24 hours.
Source: RevLocal
Customer Reviews On Products Are Trusted Nearly 12 Times More Than The Makers' Descriptions
Word-of-mouth reviews are miles ahead of the manufacturers' description. People trust other individuals viewpoints before they ever trust what the producer says. The reason, makers' descriptions are essentially ads.
Source: Martech Zone
The Typical Review Word Count Has Actually Gotten 65% Shorter Since 2010
As of late reviews are much shorter, easier, and more straight to the point. The word count of a review in 2019 is proportionate to that of a tweet.
Source: Review Trackers
Almost All Customers, Who Use Online Reviews, Read Them Very Early In The Purchasing Process
Let's say you wish to buy a brand-new car and there are a number of models which fit your criteria. How do you pick the very best one for you? Well, you read the reviews.
With the help of other consumers, you quickly select one that works for you. That's how positive reviews convert consumers into consumers.
Source: Consumer Affairs
If A Company Deals With Issues Rapidly And Effectively, 95% Of Dissatisfied Clients Will Go Back To A Business
Clients do not expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to resolve things when they go wrong. If there's nothing else a business can do to deal with an issue, a simple coupon can say "We're sorry" in a more enticing way.
Source: SocialMediaToday
83% Of All Young Customers Were Asked To Post A Review Recently
Of those asked, 80% of customers did post a review. Overall, businesses have actually asked 66% of all customers to leave a review on their business.
Source: Brightlocal