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This Is What Your Customer Receives
Google Represents 57.5% Of All Reviews Around The World
Google is in the lead here, followed by Facebook as a far-off second.
Here are the online reviews circulation rankings:
Google with 57.5%, Facebook with 19%, TripAdvisor with 8.4%, Yelp with 6.6% and Others at 8.6%.
Source: Review Trackers
91 Percent Of Millennials Depend On Online Reviews As Much As Loved Ones
Online review stats position consumers' reviews as the most reliable source of suggestions. Online reviews generally bring the exact same weight as advice from loved ones.
Source: Brightlocal
Customers Could Invest 31 Percent More With A Business That Has Excellent Reviews
Take note of this fact. The better other users describe your product and services, the more cash you can charge and customer review stats show us exactly how much more.
Source: Martech Zone
61% Of Regional Businesses Have An Average Rating Of 4 Or 5 Stars
Generally two thirds of businesses have great and awesome rankings. Just 5% of companies have a rating listed below three stars.
Source: Brightlocal
The Majority Of Best Selling Items Have An Average Score Of 4.2 To 4.7
You can't make everyone happy, which is why perfect 5 star rankings are suspicious. Someone always has a bit of a gripe. That's why it is abnormal to get perfect 5 star rankings. Sometimes a lower ranking really helps your overall rating.
According to client rating statistics, conversion rates begin to reduce as ratings rise above 4.7.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
A Lone Business Review Can Lift Its Conversions By 10%
Online review statistics show user-generated content can do miracles in terms of conversions.
A single review can have an enormous impact on your business.
A hundred reviews can boost your conversion rates by as much as 37 percent. 2 hundred can supply a mind-blowing 44 percent increase.
Source: RevLocal
88% Of Executives View Reputation Risk As A Leading Business Concern
Reputation management statistics suggest a company's reputation does not affect just the customers. Prospective team members likewise look at rankings and read reviews.
Source: Deloitte
72% Of Consumers Will Not Take Action Before They Read Some Reviews
Irrespective of how alluring your marketing is, you still need customer reviews. There's no way around it. Customers are still happy to hear you out, but they rely on other individuals more.
Source: My Testimonial Engine
US Shoppers View "Product Performance" To Be The Most Useful Information In Product Reviews
When people check out reviews, they focus on various elements of the shopping experience. But according to online review stats, 60% of them are most interested in the product's performance.
Client satisfaction, product quality and quality in time are the next few factors to consider for more than 50% of US consumers.
Source: Statista
If They Were Asked, 77% Of Clients Would Certainly Give A Review
More than a 35% would do it to educate others about their client encounter and 24% would undoubtedly direct their review to the business itself.
Over a 26% would want to submit a review to help other people with their decision making process.
Source: Podium
Online Reviews Affect 67.7% Of Consumer Buying Decisions
More than two-thirds of buyers agree online reviews are either a "Fairly decisive", "Very decisive", or "Absolutely decisive" part of their decision making experience.
Source: Moz
95% Of Travelers Check Out Online Reviews Prior To Scheduling Travel Related Services
Leisure and business travelers alike check out reviews to form an opinion. Business travelers check out an average of 5 reviews vs. 6-7 for leisure tourists. 59% of all travelers report that they check out reviews 'always' or 'extremely often'.
Source: Trust You