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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
86% Of Consumers Would Think About Writing A Review For A Business
Your customers are your most important resource, and it's not just because of the cash they invest at your business. If you give them a good experience, they will want to share it.
Source: Brightlocal
USA Consumers View "Product Performance" To Be The Most Valuable Detail In Product Reviews
They focus on different elements of the shopping experience when people read reviews. However according to online review statistics, 60% of them are most interested in the item's performance.
Customer satisfaction, product quality and quality over time are the next couple of factors to consider for more than 50% of US customers.
Source: Statista
53% Of Americans Consider Item Reviews And Rankings As The Most Crucial Part Of The Online Shopping Experience In 2018.
Today's buyers are wary and want the very best bang for their dollar. It's no wonder that they consider reading reviews as a big part of the buying decision.
Source: Statista
60% Of Customers Seek Advice From Blog And Social Network Reviews On Their Mobile Devices Before Shopping
In-store shopping is influenced considerably by blogs and reviews on social networks. With men being twice as likely to be affected than women.
Reviews and ranking stats show individuals value the opinion of peers more than any other material.
Source: Collective Bias
Just 44% Of Local Companies Have Accepted Their Google My Business Listing
That's 56% of your competitors that aren't taking advantage of their listing.
While business listings on the significant review platforms are totally free, a remarkably low number of businesses in fact utilize them.
Although we now understand why customer reviews are so effective, a lot of businesses apparently do not.
Source: LsaInsider
95% Of Unsatisfied Consumers Will Return To A Company If A Business Makes An Effort To Solve Issues Quickly And Effectively
Consumers don't expect you to be perfect. When things go wrong, they do anticipate you to resolve things. If there's nothing else a company can do to solve a concern, a simple coupon can say "We're sorry" in a more enticing way.
Source: SocialMediaToday
Users Reading Reviews On A Mobile Phone Are 127 Percent More Likely To Buy Than Desktop Users
Mobile users prefer to get things done faster. For that reason, purchasing choices are made rapidly.
Online reviews are clearly persuasive, yet online marketers have not always come to appreciate the power of them.
Source: Martech Zone
30% Of Customers Feel Positive About A Company Which Answers Online Reviews
Staying connected with your customers establishes trust. Even something like reacting to their reviews and comments can make them feel appreciated.
As you may expect, clients who feel this way are going to spend more cash with a business.
Source: Statuslabs
63.6% Of Customers Visit Google To Check For Reviews Of A Business
Thinking about the last stat, it comes as a surprise that Yelp (45%) and TripAdvisor (30%) come 2nd and 3rd, leaving Facebook (23%) at the end.
These online review statistics show the basic popularity of a website can only presume when it pertains to trust.
Source: Review Trackers
The Majority Of Clients Aged 25-34 Gave Reviews
According to Statista, the more youthful generations are unsurprisingly the more vocal ones.
Source: Statista
88% Of Executives Regard Reputation Risk As A Leading Business Problem
Reputation management statistics show a company's reputation doesn't impact simply the consumers. Prospective team members also take a look at rankings and take a look at reviews.
Source: Deloitte