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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
If They Were Asked, 77% Of Clients Would Probably Submit A Review
More than a 35% would do it to inform others about their consumer experience and 24% would definitely direct their review to the company itself.
Over a 26% would want to submit a review to help other individuals with their choice making process.
Source: Podium
The Majority Of Local Companies Have An Average Of 39 Google Reviews
Individuals like to share their experience after they have visited a supplier. Online review trends reveal individuals prefer to comment if they had a positive experience, instead of a unfavorable or average one.
Source: Brightlocal
98 Percent Of Yelp's Browsers Bought From A Business They Discovered On The Site
Generally, 142 million consumers go to Yelp monthly. This is as good a time as any if you haven't claimed your complimentary Yelp business page.
Source: RevLocal
86% Of Customers Would Consider Writing A Review For A Business
Your consumers are your most important resource, and it's not only because of the money they spend at your business. They will be prepared to share it if you provide them a good experience.
Source: Brightlocal
90% Of Consumers Require Less Than 10 Reviews To Form A Viewpoint About A Business
You know what people say about very first impressions?
Users get their first impression of your businesses through reviews. Typically through less than 10 of them.
Think about asking your visitors to write one if you do not have reviews on your website.
Source: Martech Zone
54% Of Americans Pay The Most Attention To The Average Star Rating Of A Local Company
The star score is the first thing customers see. Still, users focus on other factors as well, like the amount, recency, length, and belief of reviews. Each of these alone affects more than a third of United States consumers.
Source: Statista
Facebook Reviews Impact More Than 50 Percent Of Customers' Purchasing Decisions
Facebook is presently the most popular social media which can also influence our buying decisions.
According to social media reviews statistics, Facebook impacts more than half of users' purchase choices.
Facebook reviews stats reveal that four out of 5 users are most likely to rely on a local business if it has favorable reviews.
Source: RevLocal
United States Shoppers Consider "Product Performance" To Be The Most Helpful Detail In Product Reviews
They focus on various aspects of the shopping experience when people read reviews. However according to online review statistics, 60% of them are most interested in the item's performance.
Customer satisfaction, product quality and quality with time are the next couple of factors to consider for more than 50% of American consumers.
Source: Statista
A Solitary Business Review Can Lift Its Conversions By 10%
Online review stats show user-generated content can do miracles in regards to conversions.
A single review can have a substantial influence on your business.
A hundred reviews can raise your conversion rates by as much as 37%. 2 hundred can offer an astonishing 44 percent increase.
Source: RevLocal
Users Checking Out Reviews On A Mobile Phone Are 127 Percent Most Likely To Make A Purchase Than Desktop Users
Mobile users prefer to get things done quicker. For that reason, buying decisions are made rapidly.
Online reviews are obviously persuasive, yet online marketers haven't necessarily come to appreciate the power of them.
Source: Martech Zone
Unfavorable Reviews Can Increase Conversion By Up To 85%
It sounds crazy, but negative reviews can be a positive factor for users to spend more time on your site. According to online review stats, individuals spend more than 5 times as long on a website when they read negative reviews.
More than two thirds of users trust reviews more when there are a mix of positives and negatives. If there aren't any unfavorable ones, an overwhelming 95% suspect censorship or fabricated reviews.
Source: Reevoo
95% Of Travelers Read Online Reviews Prior To Reserving Travel Related Services
Leisure and business travelers alike check out reviews to form an opinion. Business tourists check out an average of 5 reviews vs. 6-7 for leisure travelers. 59percent of all tourists report that they read reviews 'constantly' or 'very often'.
Source: Trust You
Consumer Reviews On Items Are Trusted Nearly 12 Times More Than The Makers' Descriptions
Word-of-mouth reviews are miles ahead of the makers' description. Individuals trust other peoples opinions before they ever trust what the maker says. The reason, producers' descriptions are essentially ads.
Source: Martech Zone