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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
Positive Reviews Motivate 68 Percent Of Consumers To Use Local Businesses
Since the vast bulk of customers check out reviews, you would want yours to be inviting to new clients, right? Keep them short, positive and sweet.
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa
Source: Brightlocal
54% Of Americans Pay The Most Attention To The Typical Star Rating Of A Local Organization
The star ranking is the first thing consumers see. Still, users focus on other aspects as well, like the amount, recency, length, and belief of reviews. Each of these alone influences more than a third of US customers.
Source: Statista
70 Percent Of Consumers Need To Read A Minimum Of Four Reviews Before They Can Trust A Business
4 reviews may be too few. The majority of people read many more reviews to get a clear view of how the business is really doing. Don't depend on that statistic alone.
Source: Brightlocal
89% Of Customers Choose To Read Reviews On Their Smartphones
Be it via an app or a mobile internet browser, clients choose to read reviews on their cell phones.
Source: Statista
64 Percent Of Americans Concur That User-generated Content (customer Reviews) Improved Their Shopping Experience In 2017
30% of customers who check out consumer reviews, agree that it increases their buying confidence.
Companies use the reviews to enhance their products or services.
"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." -Bill Gates
Source: Statista
Reviews Published On Twitter Can Increase Sales By 6.46 Percent
Online review stats reveal that reviews shared on Twitter, do more to grow sales than those on any other social media platform.
Source: Yotpo
Fifty Percent Of All Millennial's "Constantly" Check Out Online Reviews For Companies
More youthful people understand the value of being informed. User-generated content has an indisputable effect on customers.
If businesses stop to consider the power of customer reviews over millennials, they will understand what they've been missing out on. Older people are different though, just 6% of people aged 55 or older read reviews.
Source: Brightlocal
Only 44% Of Local Businesses Have Actually Accepted Their Google My Business Listing
That's 56% of your competitors that aren't making the most of their listing.
While business listings on the major review platforms are free, a surprisingly low number of companies really use them.
Although we now know why consumer reviews are so powerful, most businesses obviously do not.
Source: LsaInsider
Just 6% Of Consumers Do Not Rely On Customer Reviews At All
According to customer review stats, a tremendous 19% of consumers constantly rely on online reviews and never ever a make a purchase without checking out reviews.
Source: Statista
49% Of Customers Consider The Quantity Of Online Reviews As An Essential Consideration Of Their Buying Decision
Consumers value not only the quality or nature of the reviews, however they consider their number and recency as well.
The share of clients, who pay attention to the variety of reviews is presently at 46 percent.
Source: Brightlocal
53 Percent Of Americans Consider Product Reviews And Ratings As The Most Essential Part Of The Online Shopping Experience In 2018.
Today's consumers are smart and desire the very best bang for their buck. It's not surprising that that they consider checking out reviews as a big part of the buying decision.
Source: Statista
More Than 4 Negative Reviews About A Company Or Service Might Decrease Sales By 70%
One negative review suffices for 35% of a site's visitors to choose not to purchase. 3 negative reviews can cost a business 59% fewer sales.
Naturally, they can be compensated by the sheer variety of positive reviews you receive.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone
Customers Could Spend 31% More With A Business That Has Great Reviews
Pay attention to this fact. The more detailed other users explain your product and services, the more money you can charge and customer review stats show us exactly just how much more.
Source: Martech Zone