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This Is What Your Customer Receives
61% Of Local Businesses Have An Average Ranking Of 4 To 5 Stars
Typically 2 out of 3 businesses have great and awesome rankings. Only 5% of businesses have a ranking listed below three stars.
Source: Brightlocal
Unfavorable Reviews Can Boost Conversion By Up To 85 Percent
It sounds insane, however negative reviews can be a positive factor for users to spend more time on your website. According to online review statistics, individuals spend more than five times as long on a website when they read negative reviews.
When there are a mix of negatives and positives, more than two thirds of users trust reviews more. A frustrating 95% suspect censorship or fabricated reviews if there aren't any unfavorable ones.
Source: Reevoo
A One Star Boost In Ranking Can Cause A 5% To 9% Boost In Business Income
Businesses that treat customers well generally prosper, review sites help make sure of that.
Source: Statuslabs
Many Local Companies Have Approximately 39 Google Reviews
People like to share their experience after they have gone to a vendor. Online review trends show people choose to comment if they had a favorable experience, rather than a average or negative one.
Source: Brightlocal
53% Of Customers Expect Businesses To Respond Within A Week To Negative Reviews
Online review stats clarify that 63% of client reviews go on without a response. That's too bad, because those companies are losing consumers that way.
Source: Review Trackers
77% Of Customers Would Definitely Post A Review If They Were Asked
More than a 35% would do it to inform others about their customer encounter and 24% would most likely direct their review to the company itself.
Over a 26% would want to post a review to help other people with their choice making process.
Source: Podium
91% Of Businesses Think The Company's Star Rating Can Determine Whether They Win Or Lose A Prospective Employee
The 86% of businesses doubt the integrity of online reviews. Nonetheless, they realize the huge effect user ratings have on their business. Unfavorable consumer or staff member reviews can influence 90% of job seekers.
Source: Career Arc
Customer Reviews On Products Are Relied On Practically 12 Times More Than The Makers' Descriptions
Word-of-mouth reviews are miles ahead of the makers' description. Individuals trust other peoples viewpoints before they ever trust what the maker states. The reason, makers' descriptions are basically advertisements.
Source: Martech Zone
Since They Desire To Buy A Product Or A Service And Desire To Get The Facts About The Businesses Items And Services, 82 Percent Of Customers Visit Review Websites.
Review sites are locations that people go to get the facts about a item, service or business . Users come because they have actually already formed a purchase decision. The majority of them (89%) buy within a week of their visit. And 29 percent do so in 24 hours.
Source: RevLocal
83 Percent Of Clients Do Not Rely On Advertising
The standard channels to reach consumers aren't as prominent as they utilized to be. The majority of users who no longer trust advertisements pick to take note of customers' recommendations online.
Source: Statuslabs
88% Of Americans Declared That Product Reviews Were The Most Influential Factor When Buying Home Electronic Devices
Stats reveal that reviews were more effective than TV advertisements at 37%, social networks at 23% and display ads at 49%.
Source: Statista
63.6 Percent Of Customers Go To Google To Check For Reviews Of A Business
Thinking about the last statistic, it comes as a surprise that Yelp (45%) and TripAdvisor (30%) come second and 3rd, leaving Facebook (23%) at the bottom of the list.
When it comes to trust, these online review statistics show the basic popularity of a website can just go so far.
Source: Review Trackers
95% Of Travelers Read Online Reviews Prior To Reserving Travel Related Services
Leisure and business travelers alike check out reviews to form an opinion. Business travelers read approximately 5 reviews vs. 6-7 for leisure tourists. 59percent of all tourists report that they check out reviews 'always' or 'extremely frequently'.
Source: Trust You
15% Of Users Don't Trust Businesses Without Having Online Reviews
No trust means no interactions. 15 percent of prospective customers won't even think about doing business with a business they can't find viewpoints about.
Source: Statuslabs
US Consumers Consider "Product Performance" To Be The Most Useful Info In Product Reviews
When individuals read reviews, they focus on various elements of the shopping experience. However according to online review stats, 60% of them are most thinking about the item's performance.
Client satisfaction, product quality and quality in time are the next few factors to consider for more than 50% of American customers.
Source: Statista
More Than 4 Negative Reviews About A Business Or Product Might Reduce Sales By 70 Percent
One negative review is enough for 35% of a website's visitors to decide not to purchase. 3 negative reviews can cost a business 59% fewer sales.
Of course, they can be compensated by the sheer number of positive reviews you receive.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone