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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
77% Of Users Don't Trust Reviews That Are Older Than 3 Months
Clients don't care how good your service or product was in the past. Because they are relevant and fresh, is part of why online reviews matter.
Consumers understand businesses lose their touch all the time, which is why most of them regard older reviews unimportant.
It is for this reason that businesses need to be constantly asking for reviews.
Source: Statuslabs
60% Of Customers Consult Blog And Social Media Network Reviews On Their Mobile Devices Before Shopping
In-store purchasing is affected considerably by blogs and reviews on social media. With men being two times as likely to be affected than ladies.
Reviews and score data show individuals value the opinion of peers more than any other material.
Source: Collective Bias
Reviews Shared On Twitter Can Improve Revenues By 6.46 Percent
Online review stats reveal that reviews shared on Twitter, do more to boost sales than those on any other social media platform.
Source: Yotpo
63.6% Of Consumers Go To Google To Read Reviews Of A Business
Thinking about the last statistic, it comes as a surprise that Yelp (45%) and TripAdvisor (30%) come 2nd and 3rd, leaving Facebook (23%) at the bottom of the list.
These online review stats reveal the basic popularity of a website can just presume when it comes to trust.
Source: Review Trackers
Almost All Consumers, Who Use Online Reviews, Read Them Early On In The Buying Process
Let's say you wish to buy a new car and there are several models which fit your requirements. How do you choose the best one for you? Well, you read reviews.
With the help of other consumers, you manage to select one that works for you. That's how positive reviews convert consumers into clients.
Source: Consumer Affairs
The Majority Of Best Selling Products Have A Typical Ranking Of 4.2 To 4.7
You can't make everybody happy, which is why perfect 5 star ratings are suspicious. That's why it is abnormal to get perfect 5 star scores.
According to consumer rating statistics, conversion rates begin to reduce as scores rise above 4.7.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
70% Of Consumers Choose To Discover A Business Through Short Articles And Reviews, Rather Than Advertisements
Advertisements are all well and good, however it deserves attempting a different approach too. Reviews are without a doubt the best way to discover the truth about a service or product.
Source: Statuslabs
Online Item Reviews About A Product Can Boost Its Conversion Rate By A Staggering 270%
User review statistics show the purchase probability for a product with five reviews is 270 percent higher than the same product without reviews.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
53% Of Customers Anticipate Companies To Respond Within A Week To Unfavorable Reviews
Online review stats clarify that 63% of customer reviews go on without a reply. That's regrettable, because those businesses are losing clients that way.
Source: Review Trackers
Software Reviews Impact Over 98% Of All Purchasers
18% of software purchasers consider reviews to be a necessary factor in the purchase procedure. Software reviews have no impact whatsoever on only 2 percent of customers. Two thirds of them read more than 6 reviews to make up their mind and 14% of them read more than 20 reviews.
Source: Capterra
61% Of Regional Businesses Have An Average Ranking Of 4 To 5 Stars
Typically 2 out of 3 companies have great and outstanding ratings. Just 5% of businesses have a score listed below 3 stars.
Source: Brightlocal
When Buying Home Electronics, 88% Of Americans Claimed That Product Reviews Were The Most Influential Factor
Data reveal that reviews were more effective than Television ads at 37%, social networks at 23% and display advertisements at 49%.
Source: Statista
Favorable Reviews Encourage 68% Of Consumers To Choose Local Businesses
Since the large majority of customers read reviews, you'd want yours to be appealing to new customers? Keep them short, positive and sweet.
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa
Source: Brightlocal
More Than Four Negative Reviews About A Company Or Service May Decrease Sales By 70 Percent
One negative review is enough for 35% of a site's visitors to decide not to purchase. 3 negative reviews can cost a business 59 percent less sales.
Obviously, they can be compensated by the sheer variety of positive reviews you get.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone
Only 6% Of Consumers Don't Rely On Client Reviews At All
According to customer review stats, a whopping 19% of consumers always trust online reviews and never ever a make a purchase without reading reviews initially.
Source: Statista
More Than Half Of Clients Aged 25 To 34 Gave Reviews
According to Statista, the more youthful generations are seemingly the more opinionated ones.
Source: Statista