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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
89% Of Shoppers Prefer To Read Reviews On Their Mobile Devices
Be it through an app or a mobile internet browser, clients choose to read reviews on their mobile phones.
Source: Statista
Almost All Customers, Who Utilize Online Reviews, Read Them Early On In The Purchasing Process
Let's say you wish to buy a new car and there are a number of models which fit your criteria. How do you select the very best one for you? Well, you read online reviews.
With the help of other customers, you manage to pick a model that works for you. That's how positive reviews transform customers into consumers.
Source: Consumer Affairs
77% Of Customers Would Most Likely Submit A Review If They Were Asked
More than a 35% would post a review to notify others about their consumer experience and 24% would undoubtedly direct their review to the business itself.
Over a 26% would be willing to give a review to assist other people with their decision making process.
Source: Podium
64% Of Americans Concur That User-generated Content (consumer Reviews) Enhanced Their Shopping Experience In 2017
30% of consumers who check out customer reviews, concur that it increases their buying confidence.
Businesses utilize the reviews to enhance their products and services.
"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." -Bill Gates
Source: Statista
90 Percent Of Consumers Require Less Than 10 Reviews To Form An Opinion About A Business
You understand what individuals state about very first impressions?
Users get their impression of your businesses through reviews. Normally through less than 10 of them.
If you don't have reviews on your site, consider asking your visitors to compose one.
Source: Martech Zone
49% Of Consumers Consider The Number Of Online Reviews As An Important Consideration Of Their Purchasing Decision
Consumers value not just the quality or nature of the reviews, however they consider their quantity and recency too.
The share of customers, who take notice of the number of reviews is currently at 46 percent.
Source: Brightlocal
If A Company Makes An Effort To Solve Issues Rapidly And Effectively, 95% Of Disappointed Consumers Will Go Back To A Company
Customers do not expect you to be perfect. They do expect you to resolve things when they go wrong. If there's absolutely nothing else a company can do to resolve a concern, a simple coupon can say "We are sorry" in a more attractive way.
Source: SocialMediaToday
72 Percent Of Customers Will Not Take Action Before They Read Some Reviews
Irrespective of how enticing your marketing is, you still require customer reviews. There's no other way around it. Clients are still going to hear you out, but they rely on other people more.
Source: My Testimonial Engine
73% Of Customers Think Written Reviews Are More Vital Than Star And Number Rankings
Online review stats make it clear individuals aren't pleased with scores alone.
Client reviews make the stats appear more genuine which is what the prospective consumers are looking for. Almost a third of customers say composed reviews are the only feature that makes them believe the sites' reviews are appropriate and useful.
Source: Fan and Fuel
Customer Reviews On Products Are Trusted Almost 12 Times More Than The Manufacturers' Descriptions
Word-of-mouth reviews are miles ahead of the manufacturers' description. People trust other individuals viewpoints before they ever trust what the producer states. The reason, manufacturers' descriptions are basically advertisements.
Source: Martech Zone
Reviews Are The Third Most Influential Ranking Factor For Google's Local 3 Pack
Review signals (quantity, diversity, and so on) account for 15.44% of Google's algorithm for local ranking.
Just Google My Business signals, like distance and keywords account for 25.12%, and link signals at 16.53%, are more vital than reviews as far as ranking factors go for the local 3 pack.
Source: Moz