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This Is What Your Customer Receives
Over Half Of Customers Will Not Utilize A Service If It Has Less Than A 4 Star Ranking
This stat is one of many that highlight the significance of online scores. Now that news of consumer complete satisfaction travels this fast, keeping your customers delighted is more important than ever.
57% of customers have searched for companies with more than 4 stars in 2018, which is up from 48 percent in 2017.
Furthermore, 11% looked just for services with a best five star score.
Source: Brightlocal
64 Percent Of Americans Concur That User-generated Content (customer Reviews) Enhanced Their Shopping Experience In 2017
30% of consumers who read consumer reviews, concur that it increases their purchasing confidence.
Companies use the reviews to improve their products or services.
"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." -Bill Gates
Source: Statista
Customers Could Invest 31% More With A Business That Has Terrific Reviews
Pay attention to this fact. The better other users explain your services or product, the more cash you can charge and customer review stats show us exactly just how much more.
Source: Martech Zone
Reviews Are The Third Most Prominent Ranking Factor For Google's Local 3 Pack
Review signals (amount, diversity, and so on) account for 15.44% of Google's algorithm for local ranking.
Only Google My Business signals, like distance and keywords account for 25.12%, and link signals at 16.53%, are more crucial than reviews as far as ranking factors go for the local 3 pack.
Source: Moz
53% Of Customers Anticipate Companies To Answer Back Within A Week To Negative Reviews
Online review stats clarify that 63% of customer reviews go on without a reaction. That's regrettable, due to the fact that those businesses are losing customers that way.
Source: Review Trackers
Customer Reviews On Items Are Relied On Almost 12 Times More Than The Makers' Descriptions
Word-of-mouth reviews are miles ahead of the producers' description. People trust other individuals opinions before they ever trust what the producer states. The reason, producers' descriptions are essentially ads.
Source: Martech Zone
52% Of Consumers Rely On A Product More If It Has Unfavorable Reviews Too
We already discussed the negative and positive reviews and their impact on consumers. However, all products have their faults, it raises red flags that maybe the reviews are fake if all of a products reviews are favorable. People anticipate to see some unfavorable reviews.
Source: Capterra
91 Percent Of Millennials Rely On Online Reviews As Much As Friends And Family
Online review stats position consumers' reviews as the most trustworthy source of suggestions. Online reviews usually carry the very same weight as suggestions from friends and family.
Source: Brightlocal
Reviews Published On Twitter Can Increase Revenues By 6.46%
Online review statistics show that reviews shared on Twitter, do more to boost sales than those on any other social media platform.
Source: Yotpo
Positive Reviews Motivate 68 Percent Of Consumers To Choose A Local Business
Because the huge majority of consumers check out reviews, you would want yours to be appealing to new customers? Keep them short, sweet and positive.
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa
Source: Brightlocal
Buyers Checking Out Reviews On A Mobile Device Are 127% Most Likely To Purchase Than Desktop Users
Mobile users prefer to get things done much faster. For that reason, purchasing choices are made quickly.
Online reviews are obviously convincing, yet online marketers haven't necessarily come to value the power of them.
Source: Martech Zone
Facebook Reviews Impact More Than 50 Percent Of Customers' Buying Decisions
Facebook is presently the most popular social media which can also influence our buying decisions.
According to social media reviews statistics, Facebook affects more than half of users' purchase decisions.
If it has favorable reviews, Facebook reviews stats expose that four out of five users are likely to trust a local business.
Source: RevLocal
Google Accounts For 57.5% Of All Reviews All Over The World
As can be expected, Google is in the lead, followed by Facebook, TripAdvisor and others.
Here are the online reviews distribution rankings:
Google with 57.5%, Facebook with 19%, TripAdvisor at 8.4%, Yelp with 6.6% and Others at 8.6%.
Source: Review Trackers