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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
15% Of Customers Don't Trust Businesses With No Online Reviews
No trust means no interactions. 15% of possible consumers won't even think about doing business with a business they can't find viewpoints about.
Source: Statuslabs
95 Percent Of Travelers Check Out Online Reviews Prior To Reserving Travel Services
Leisure and business travelers alike read reviews to form an opinion. Business travelers check out an average of 5 reviews vs. 6-7 for leisure tourists. 59% of all tourists report that they check out reviews 'constantly' or 'really often'.
Source: Trust You
90 Percent Of Visitors Require Less Than 10 Reviews To Form An Opinion About A Business
You know what people state about first impressions, right?
Users get their first impression of your businesses through reviews. Typically through less than 10 of them.
Think about asking your visitors to write one if you do not have reviews on your website.
Source: Martech Zone
More Than Four Negative Reviews About A Business Or Product May Decrease Sales By 70%
One negative review is enough for 35 percent of a website's visitors to choose not to purchase. Three negative reviews can cost a business 59% fewer sales.
Obviously, they can be compensated by the sheer number of positive reviews you receive.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone
Negative Reviews Can Boost Conversion By Up To 85 Percent
It sounds insane, however negative reviews can be a positive factor for users to devote more time on your website. According to online review statistics, people spend more than 5 times as long on a site when they check out negative reviews.
More than two thirds of users trust reviews more when there are a mix of negatives and positives. If there aren't any negative ones, a frustrating 95% suspect censorship or faked reviews.
Source: Reevoo
Consumer Reviews On Items Are Relied On Nearly 12 Times More Than The Manufacturers' Descriptions
Word-of-mouth reviews are miles ahead of the makers' description. People trust other peoples viewpoints before they ever trust what the manufacturer states. The reason, makers' descriptions are essentially advertisements.
Source: Martech Zone
United States Consumers Consider "Product Performance" To Be The Most Useful Information In Product Reviews
When individuals check out reviews, they focus on various aspects of the shopping experience. But according to online review stats, 60% of them are most thinking about the item's performance.
Client satisfaction, product quality and quality over time are the next couple of considerations for more than 50% of American customers.
Source: Statista
A One Star Increase In Ranking Can Cause A 5% To 9% Boost In Business Income
Businesses that treat clients honorably usually prosper, review sites help make certain of that.
Source: Statuslabs
49 Percent Of Consumers Consider The Quantity Of Online Reviews As A Necessary Consideration Of Their Purchasing Decision
Consumers value not just the quality or nature of the reviews, however they consider their quantity and recency too.
The share of consumers, who take notice of the variety of reviews is presently at 46 percent.
Source: Brightlocal
73% Of Consumers Think Consumer Reviews Are More Crucial Than Star And Number Rankings
Online review statistics make it clear people aren't satisfied with ratings alone.
Client reviews make the stats appear more authentic which is what the potential customers are trying to find. Nearly a 3rd of consumers say composed reviews are the only feature that makes them believe the websites' reviews are pertinent and helpful.
Source: Fan and Fuel
Google Accounts For 57.5 Percent Of All Reviews Globally
Google is in the lead here, followed by Facebook as a far-off second.
Here are the online reviews circulation rankings:
Google with 57.5%, Facebook with 19%, TripAdvisor with 8.4%, Yelp with 6.6% and Others at 8.6%.
Source: Review Trackers
89% Of Customers Review A Businesses Feedback To Reviews
Not only do a lot of clients read the review replies, 30% of them highly value them. Nearly 96% read the replies to their own reviews.
Source: Brightlocal
77% Of Consumers Do Not Rely On Reviews That Are Older Than 3 Months
Customers don't care how excellent your product or service was in the past. Part of why online reviews matter is since they are relevant and fresh.
Customers know businesses lose their touch all the time, which is why most of them regard older reviews unimportant.
It is for this reason that businesses need to be continuously requesting reviews.
Source: Statuslabs
91% Of Companies Believe The Business's Star Rating Can Determine Whether They Win Or Lose A Possible Team Member
The 86% of businesses doubt the integrity of online reviews. However, they realize the huge impact user ratings have on their business. Unfavorable client or employee reviews can affect 90% of job seekers.
Source: Career Arc
30% Of Clients Feel Favorable To A Company Which Responds To Online Reviews
Corresponding with your consumers establishes trust. Even something as simple as responding to their comments and reviews can make them feel valued.
As you might anticipate, customers who feel this way are happy to spend more cash with a company.
Source: Statuslabs