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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
53% Of Consumers Expect Businesses To Respond Within A Week To Unfavorable Reviews
Online review statistics show that 63% of client reviews stay without a reply. That's regrettable, due to the fact that those companies are losing clients that way.
Source: Review Trackers
Reviews Shared On Twitter Can Help Improve Revenues By 6.46 Percent
Online review data reveal that reviews shared on Twitter, do more to grow sales than those on any other social network.
Source: Yotpo
More Than 4 Negative Reviews About A Company Or Service May Decrease Sales By 70 Percent
One negative review suffices for 35% of a site's visitors to choose not to buy. Three negative reviews can cost a business 59 percent fewer sales.
Of course, they can be compensated by the large variety of positive reviews you receive.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone
71% Of Millennials Search Consumer Reviews Of Professional Services
More than half of all people in need of an expert service rely on online reviews.
According to online reviews statistics, 59% used online reviews to select a lawyer or a doctor.
Younger people (age 18-35) are a lot more likely to work with a professional based on online reviews. Just 19% of millennials will consider working with a legal representative without any.
Source: Thomson Reuters
72 Percent Of Clients Will Not Take Action Unless They Check Out Some Reviews
Regardless of how enticing your marketing is, you still require client reviews. There's no skirting around it. Clients are still going to hear you out, however they rely on other individuals more.
Source: My Testimonial Engine
Online Product Reviews About An Item Can Raise Its Conversion Rate By More Than 270 Percent
User review statistics show the purchase probability for an item with 5 reviews is 270% higher than the same item without reviews.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
91% Of Companies Think The Business's Star Rating Can Determine Whether They Win Or Lose A Prospective Employee
The 86% of companies doubt the integrity of online reviews. Nevertheless, they recognize the massive impact user rankings have on their business. Unfavorable client or staff member reviews can affect 90% of job seekers.
Source: Career Arc
Positive Reviews Encourage 68% Of Customers To Choose Local Businesses
Given that the vast majority of consumers check out reviews, you would want yours to be appealing to brand-new clients? Keep them short, sweet and positive.
"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echos are truly endless." -Mother Teresa
Source: Brightlocal
Almost All Customers, Who Utilize Online Reviews, Read Them Very Early In The Purchasing Process
Let's say you wish to buy a brand-new automobile and there are numerous models which fit your requirements. How do you choose the best one for you? Well, you read the reviews.
With the help of other consumers, you quickly decide on a model that works for you. That's how positive reviews convert customers into consumers.
Source: Consumer Affairs
30% Of Clients Feel Positive About A Business Which Reacts To Online Reviews
Communicating with your consumers builds their trust. Even something as simple as reacting to their reviews and remarks can make them feel appreciated.
As you might expect, clients who feel this way are more willing to invest more money with a business.
Source: Statuslabs
Only 6 Percent Of Customers Don't Trust Consumer Reviews At All
According to consumer review data, a tremendous 19 percent of customers constantly trust online reviews and never a make a purchase without checking out reviews.
Source: Statista
91 Percent Of Millennials Turn To Online Reviews As Much As Loved Ones
Online review stats place consumers' reviews as the most credible source of suggestions. Online reviews normally bring the very same weight as guidance from family and friends.
Source: Brightlocal
86% Of Customers Would Think About Writing A Review For A Business
Your customers are your most valuable resource, and it's not only because of the money they spend at your business. They will be prepared to share it if you offer them an excellent experience.
Source: Brightlocal