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This Is What Your Customer Receives
64 Percent Of Americans Agree That User-generated Content (client Reviews) Enhanced Their Shopping Experience In 2017
30 percent of consumers who read consumer reviews, agree that it increases their buying confidence.
Companies utilize the reviews to enhance their products and services.
"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." -Bill Gates
Source: Statista
When Buying Home Electronics, 88% Of Americans Claimed That Product Reviews Were The Most Influential Element
Statistics reveal that reviews were more helpful than TV advertisements at 37%, social media at 23% and display ads at 49%.
Source: Statista
A One Star Increase In Rating Can Lead To A 5% To 9% Increase In Business Income
Businesses that treat customers honorably typically flourish, review websites help make sure of that.
Source: Statuslabs
88% Of Executives Consider Reputation Risk As A Top Business Problem
Reputation management statistics show a business's reputation doesn't impact just the clients. Prospective employees also take a look at ratings and take a look at reviews.
Source: Deloitte
86 Percent Of Customers Would Think About Writing A Review For A Business
Your consumers are your most important resource, and it's not just because of the cash they invest at your business. They will be prepared to share it if you offer them a good experience.
Source: Brightlocal
Since They Want To Acquire A Product Or A Service And Want To Get The Facts About The Businesses Products And Services, 82 Percent Of Consumers Go To Review Sites.
Users come since they have already formed a buying decision. The majority of them (89%) purchase within a week of their visit.
Source: RevLocal
The Majority Of Popular Products Have An Average Score Of 4.2 To 4.7
You can't make everyone happy, which is why perfect 5 star rankings are suspicious. That's why it is abnormal to get perfect 5 star rankings.
According to client rating stats, conversion rates begin to reduce as ratings rise above 4.7.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
Reviews Are The Most Vital Part Of The Purchase Choice For Over 90% Of USA Clients
24% of US shoppers consider reviews as 'extremely influential'.
To illustrate the value of online reviews and rankings, did you know that 81 percent of consumers will pay more for a product with reviews and those same consumers are also willing to accept slower shipping times for such items.
Source: Turntonetworks
91% Of Companies Believe The Business's Star Rating Can Determine Whether They Win Or Lose A Potential Team Member
The 86% of businesses doubt the integrity of online reviews. However, they recognize the massive impact user scores have on their business. Undesirable client or employee reviews can affect 90% of job seekers.
Source: Career Arc
77% Of Individuals Don't Rely On Reviews That Are Older Than 3 Months
Consumers don't care how excellent your service or product was in the past. Part of why online reviews matter is due to the fact that they are relevant and fresh.
Customers understand businesses lose their touch all the time, which is why the majority of them find older reviews unimportant.
It is for this reason that businesses should to be constantly asking for reviews.
Source: Statuslabs
54% Of Americans Pay The Most Attention To The Typical Star Score Of A Local Company
The star rating is the first thing customers see. Still, users pay attention to other aspects as well, like the quantity, recency, length, and belief of reviews. Each of these alone influences more than a third of American customers.
Source: Statista