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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
77% Of Customers Would Undoubtedly Submit A Review If They Were Asked
More than a 35% would do it to inform others about their customer experience and 24% would probably direct their review to the business itself.
Over a 26% would be willing to give a review to assist other people with their choice making process.
Source: Podium
Almost All Customers, Who Utilize Online Reviews, Read Them Early In The Buying Process
Let's say you wish to buy a new vehicle and there are a number of models which fit your criteria. How do you choose the very best one for you? Well, you read online reviews.
With the help of other people, you manage to decide on a model that works for you. That's how positive reviews convert consumers into consumers.
Source: Consumer Affairs
95% Of Dissatisfied Clients Will Return To A Business If A Business Deals With Problems Rapidly And Effectively
Clients do not expect you to be perfect. When things go wrong, they do anticipate you to take care of things. If there is nothing else a company can do to deal with an issue, a simple coupon can say "We're sorry" in a more appealing way.
Source: SocialMediaToday
53 Percent Of Americans Consider Product Reviews And Ratings As The Most Crucial Part Of Online Shopping.
Today's shoppers are smart and desire the very best bang for their dollar. It's no wonder that they consider checking out reviews as a huge part of the buying decision.
Source: Statista
Google Accounts For 57.5% Of All Reviews All Over The World
Google is the clear winner as far as circulation goes, but they are not the only ones in the game.
These the online reviews distribution rankings:
Google at 57.5%, Facebook with 19%, TripAdvisor at 8.4%, Yelp at 6.6% and Others at 8.6%.
Source: Review Trackers
Reviews Shared On Twitter Can Help Increase Sales By 6.46%
Online review statistics show that reviews shared on Twitter, do more to increase sales than those on any other social network.
Source: Yotpo
More Than Four Negative Reviews About A Business Or Service Might Reduce Sales By 70 Percent
One negative review is enough for 35% of a site's visitors to choose not to purchase. 3 negative reviews can cost a business 59% less sales.
Naturally, they can be compensated by the large variety of positive reviews you receive.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone
Consumers Might Invest 31 Percent More With A Business That Has Great Reviews
Pay attention to this fact. The more detailed other users describe your service or product, the more money you can charge and consumer review stats show us precisely how much more.
Source: Martech Zone
64% Of Americans Concur That User-generated Content (client Reviews) Enhanced Their Shopping Experience In 2017
30% of customers who read customer reviews, concur that it increases their purchasing confidence.
Businesses use the reviews to improve their services and products.
"We all need people who will give us feedback. That's how we improve." -Bill Gates
Source: Statista
53% Of Consumers Expect Businesses To Respond Within A Week To Unfavorable Reviews
Online review stats reveal that 63% of consumer reviews go on without a response. That's too bad, since those businesses are losing consumers that way.
Source: Review Trackers
73 Percent Of Consumers Think Customer Reviews Are More Crucial Than Star And Number Rankings
Online review stats make it clear individuals aren't pleased with scores alone.
Customer reviews make the statistics appear more authentic which is what the would-be customers are looking for. Nearly a third of customers say composed reviews are the only feature that makes them think the websites' reviews are appropriate and beneficial.
Source: Fan and Fuel
Reviews Are The Most Important Part Of The Purchase Choice For Over 90% Of American Clients
24% of US buyers consider reviews as 'incredibly influential'.
To show the importance of online reviews and scores, did you know that 81% of consumers will pay more for a product with reviews and those very same customers are also willing to accept slower shipping times for such items.
Source: Turntonetworks
The Majority Of Popular Products Have An Average Ranking Of 4.2 To 4.7
You can't make everybody happy, which is why perfect 5 star ratings are suspicious. That's why it is unnatural to get perfect 5 star rankings.
According to customer rating stats, conversion rates start to reduce as scores rise above 4.7.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
Unfavorable Reviews Can Increase Conversion By Up To 85 Percent
It sounds crazy, but negative reviews can be a positive driver for users to devote more time on your website. According to online review data, individuals spend more than five times as long on a site when they read negative reviews.
More than two-thirds of users trust reviews more when there are a mix of positives and negatives. An overwhelming 95 percent suspect censorship or faked reviews if there aren't any unfavorable ones.
Source: Reevoo
30% Of Clients Feel Favorable To A Company Which Answers Online Reviews
Keeping in touch with your clients creates trust. Even something as simple as reacting to their reviews and remarks can make them feel valued.
As you may anticipate, clients who feel this way are happy to spend more money with a company.
Source: Statuslabs
Due To The Fact That They Want To Buy An Item Or A Service And Want To Get The Truth About The Businesses Products And Services, 82 Percent Of Customers Go To Review Sites.
Users come due to the fact that they have already formed a buying decision. The bulk of them (89%) purchase within a week of their visit.
Source: RevLocal
74% Of Regional Companies Have At Least One Google Review
A single review is far from sufficient to improve your site's SERP ranking.
Looking at online rankings statistics, we learnt that a company needs to have an average of 40 reviews before clients "Award" it with a star.
Source: Brightlocal
A Single Business Review Can Lift Its Conversions By 10%
Online review statistics reveal user-generated content can do miracles in terms of conversions.
A single review can have a huge effect on your business.
A hundred reviews can increase your conversion rates by as much as 37%. 2 hundred can provide an astonishing 44% boost.
Source: RevLocal