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Asking For A Review Is Easy!
This Is What Your Customer Receives
77% Of Clients Would Undoubtedly Submit A Review If They Were Asked
More than a 35% would submit a review to inform others about their client encounter and 24% would most likely direct their review to the company itself.
Over a 26% would be willing to post a review to assist other individuals with their decision making process.
Source: Podium
Reviews Are The 3rd Most Prominent Ranking Element For Google's Local 3 Pack
Review signals (quantity, variety, etc.) account for 15.44% of Google's algorithm for local ranking.
Google My Business signals, like proximity and keywords account for 25.12%, and link signals at 16.53%, are more crucial than reviews as far as ranking factors go for the local 3 pack.
Source: Moz
Google Accounts For 57.5% Of All Reviews Globally
As can be expected, Google is in the lead, followed by Facebook, TripAdvisor and others.
These the online reviews circulation rankings:
Google at 57.5%, Facebook at 19%, TripAdvisor at 8.4%, Yelp with 6.6% and Others at 8.6%.
Source: Review Trackers
More Than Four Negative Reviews About A Company Or Service Might Decrease Sales By 70 Percent
One negative review is enough for 35% of a website's visitors to choose not to buy. 3 negative reviews can cost a business 59 percent fewer sales.
Of course, they can be compensated by the large number of positive reviews you receive.
"It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it." -Benjamin Franklin
Source: Martech Zone
Since They Desire To Acquire A Service Or A Product And Want To Get The Facts About The Businesses Items And Services, 82% Of Customers Go To Review Websites.
Review sites are places that people go to get the truth about a service, business or item . Users come due to the fact that they have currently formed a buying decision. The bulk of them (89 percent) purchase within a week of their visit. And 29% do so in 24 hours.
Source: RevLocal
72 Percent Of Customers Will Not Take Action Unless They Check Out Some Reviews
Irrespective of how tempting your marketing is, you still need consumer reviews. There's no way around it. Customers are still willing to hear you out, but they rely on other people more.
Source: My Testimonial Engine
Facebook Reviews Impact More Than 50 Percent Of Consumers' Buying Decisions
Facebook is presently the most popular social media which can also influence our purchasing decisions.
According to social media reviews data, Facebook impacts over half of users' purchase choices.
Facebook reviews stats reveal that four out of five users are more likely to trust a local business if it has positive reviews.
Source: RevLocal
A Single Business Review Can Lift Its Conversions By 10 Percent
Online review stats show user-generated content can do miracles in regards to conversions.
A single review can have an enormous effect on your business.
A hundred reviews can increase your conversion rates by as much as 37 percent. Two hundred can offer an astonishing 44 percent increase.
Source: RevLocal
53 Percent Of Americans Consider Product Reviews And Rankings As The Most Vital Part Of Online Shopping.
Today's consumers are wary and want the very best bang for their buck. It's not surprising that that they consider reading reviews as a big part of the buying decision.
Source: Statista
More Than Half Of Customers Aged 25-34 Submitted Reviews
According to Statista, the younger generations are unsurprisingly the more opinionated ones.
Source: Statista
Online Item Reviews About A Product Can Boost Its Conversion Rate By More Than 270 Percent
User review stats reveal the purchase likelihood for a product with five reviews is 270 percent higher than the very same product without reviews.
Source: Spiegel Research Center
Many Local Companies Have Approximately 39 Google Reviews
Individuals like to share their experience after they have visited a vendor. Online review trends show individuals choose to comment if they had a favorable experience, rather than a unfavorable or average one.
Source: Brightlocal